Loving these, Oleg, it's like micro-rabbit holes you've dug for us.

I had no idea that basque-pidgin was a part of the linguistic language on N. America.

In the books I'm almost done writing, which were by circumstance written in pieces that bordered on "flash", "iceberg theory" approach did so much. (If we don't have to "explain", it helps so much, for excuses and stories). I do like Orwell's "rule #6" and probably reach for it almost every day.

this bit from Ithaka strikes true

"Arriving there is what you’re destined for.

But don’t hurry the journey at all.

Better if it lasts for years"

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Love the image of micro-rabbit holes, and yes, these are what they're intended to be.

Thanks for reading Edward and I'm glad you liked it.

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So happy you liked the Orwell!

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It's fascinating how all of his points are still valid :). Thanks for recommending that particular essay Anne.

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Ok that Daniil Harms story was insane wtf how did it just end like that?? First I'm learning of this dude - any others you would recommend?

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Most of his stuff is lime that :). I reckon you'd like his writings, and you can drop an aphorism from there when talking to your grandpa.

Another author I'd recommend you is Dovlatov - he was a Soviet emigre writer, and he wrote about his time working as a journalist in Tallin, a prison warden in Gulag-lite, and as a fresh-off-the-boat immigrant in New York.

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ahh thank you! any specific place to start with either / both?

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With harms, I don't know him that we'll. With dovlatov, I'd check the stories he had published in nyt

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